Game on. In the Computer Game Design program, students use state-of-the-art technology to create their own games from day one.
Listen to students talk about their experiences in the Game Design Program.
As a Computer Game Design major, you will study both the sciences and the arts in a collaborative, problem-solving environment. The program offers a BFA undergraduate degree, a Game Design minor, a Sport and Computer Game Design minor, as well as international exchange partnerships. Students can also enroll at Mason Korea for their BFA in Computer Game Design, spending 3 years in Korea and one year in the U.S. at Mason's Fairfax campus. Another plus: the Computer Game Design program hosts the Virginia Serious Game Institute that concentrates on game-related applied research, incubation of new innovative companies, and offers outreach to teach and educate students of all ages.
How to Apply
Step One
Apply to George Mason through the Common Application or visit Mason's Admissions office for more information and to apply with the Mason Exclusive Online Application. After applying, and once you receive your G# from Admissions, you can move to step two. For current Mason students, see step two below.
Step Two
In addition to the application to George Mason University, the Computer Game Design BFA requires the submission of two writing samples (see prompts below) and allows applicants the option to submit samples of artwork. You are strongly encouraged to submit your writing sample as soon as you receive your G# from admissions, in Step One.
Submit your materials through Slideroom. (Writing sample submission deadlines are due within two weeks of your application.)
- Early Action deadline (Admissions application) – November 1
- Deadline for GAME writing prompts - November 7
- Regular Decision deadline (Admissions application) – February 1
- Deadline for GAME writing prompts - February 7
- Spring admission priority deadline (Admissions application) – October 1
- Deadline for GAME writing prompts to be submitted within two weeks
- Fall admission priority deadline (Admissions application) – March 1
- Deadline for GAME writing prompts to be submitted within two weeks
Please note the following:
The required writing sample is listed as "Portfolio" on the university application. You may see it referred to this when checking on the status of your application.
Mason Korea
Find information about admissions requirements to Mason Korea.
Slideroom Application Components
Writing Prompt One
Write a 250- to 300-word essay about your interest in computer game design. Address why studying game design will help fulfill your intellectual/artistic, and professional goals, detail what industry career path interests you, and talk about how your studies will help you achieve that goal.
Writing Prompt Two
Write a 500-word review for a current computer or video game. Break down the game into its various elements and critique how they work in concert to deliver a unified experience to the player (or don't). How does the game compare with other current games in its genre? Support your claims with reasoned arguments.
Write a 500-word response to an article about game culture. Find a news article or blog post that discusses race, violence, gender, or other current issues in games (please include a link). How do you see the article as relevant to your studies and future plans as a professional game designer? Do you agree with the author’s claims? Why? How might designers and players address this issue in the future?
Write a 500-word “pitch” for an original game. Present an idea to potential producers/investors. Outline the mechanics, world, and characters of the game (be sure to include the title, genre, and target audience). Why would your game succeed? How is it different from other games on the market?
Computer Game Design
Portfolio reviews are not required for students wishing to pursue a minor in Computer Game Design. The Computer Game Design minor requires 18-19 credits of coursework. For more information, please visit the Computer Game Design Minor page in the university catalog.
Please contact Jeremy Tuohy (wtuohy@gmu.edu) to schedule an appointment to declare the minor.
Sport and Computer Game Design
Portfolio reviews are not required for students wishing to pursue a minor in Sport and Computer Game Design. The Sport and Computer Game Design minor requires 18-credits of coursework. For more information, please visit the Sport and Computer Game Design Minor page in the university catalog.
Please contact Craig Esherick (cesheric@gmu.edu) to schedule an appointment to declare the minor.
Visit Us
Open Houses
Applicants to the BFA in Computer Game Design program are encouraged to attend one of our program open houses. These events will allow students to meet faculty and students in our program and participate in activities related to game design and portfolio development.
Note: Students who are unable to attend an open house are still able to apply for acceptance to the Computer Game Design program.
- Learn about and use the latest industry-level software and tools.
- Meet with faculty and students to get answers to your questions about our program.
- Learn tools to get started developing your portfolio for internship interviews.
- Find out about exciting opportunities like special topics courses, the study abroad program with the University of Abertay Dundee, Scotland, and more info about upcoming speakers and events.
Please see our Undergraduate Open House page for current information on Open House dates.
Please contact Mary Bean by email or call 703-993-5734 to reserve your space for an open house. Space may be limited due to high demand.