Undergraduate Student Resources

The College of Visual and Performing Arts is designed to support our students—the thought-provokers, the innovators, the creative problem-solvers.

Academic advisors in all undergraduate major programs are available both in-person and virtually. To schedule an advising appointment, please use the Navigate Mason scheduling system:

  • Find your program, and select the advisor in your major.
  • Select the date and time that works for you.
  • You will receive an email confirmation. If the appointment is virtual, you'll receive a calendar invitation with the zoom link prior to the appointment.
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Undergraduate Academic Advising Team
Robert Yi advisor for School of Art
School of Art


Art & Design Building, 2050

Email Robert Yi

Tel: 703-993-9617


In-Person & Virtual Walk-in Hours: 

Mondays, 10:00 a.m.-12 p.m. & 1:30–4:00 p.m.

(Fall and spring Semesters only) 

Access virtual walk-in session on Zoom

(you will enter virtual "waiting room")

Sara Simanski advisor for School of Theater
School of Theater


de Laski Performing Arts Building, Room A407


Email Sara Simanski

Tel: (703) 993-6079


Walk-in Hours:

Tuesday and Wednesday  

Kate Keeney advisor for School of Art
School of Art


Art & Design Building, 2050

Email Kate Keeney

Tel: 703-993-1514


In-Person & Virtual Walk-in Hours:

Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. & 1:30-4:00 p.m.

(Fall and Spring semesters only)

Access virtual walk-in sessions on Zoom

(you will enter virtual "waiting room")

Jeremy Tuohy Computer Game Design advisor
Game Design Program


Art & Design Building, Room 2020


Email Jeremy Tuohy

Tel: 703-993-2041


Office Hours: 

Tuesday–Friday, 1:00-4:00 p.m. 

Kim Harris advisor for School of Dance
School of Dance


deLaski Performing Arts Building, Room A300B

Email Kim Harris

Tel: 703-993-6652


Walk-in Hours:

Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 

(when classes are in session) 




Madeleine Portnoy advisor for Film and Video Studies
Film & Video Studies Program


College Hall, Room C110


Email Madeline Portnoy

Tel: 703-993-3287


Walk-in Hours: 

Thursday, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 



Carrie Ann Delaney advisor for Dewberry School of Music
Dewberry School of Music


deLaski PAB, Room A417

Email Dr Delaney

Tel: 703-993-1392


In-Person & Virtual Hours

(Spring 2025):

Monday, 12:00-4 p.m., Tue & Thu, 10:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Wed & Fri, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. (Fridays—virtual only)

Access virtual Zoom meeting.


Karalee Dawn MacKay Arts Management advisor
Arts Management Program



Email Dr. MacKay

Tel: 703-993-9036


Virtual Appointment Hours:

Wednesday & Thursday, 2:00-5:00 p.m. 

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Policies and Procedures

Students must meet with their Academic Advisor to discuss policies and procedures for submitting any request or form. For specific situations, please refer to the information below.  

Registration at George Mason

Credit Overload Policy

Undergraduate students in good standing (cumulative GPA at or above 2.0) are permitted to enroll in up to 18 hours of coursework per semester. In exceptional circumstances, students may request an overload of the maximum credit hours allowed. Requests must be approved at the academic advisor level before consideration by the CVPA Academic Affairs Office.

Leave of Absence

All undergraduate students who are planning an absence from George Mason must submit a formal request for Leave of Absence through the online portal provided by the Registrar's Office. Students do not need to request a Leave of Absence if they are participating in a university-sponsored study abroad program or have received permission to study elsewhere.  Find the full university policy on Leave of Absence described under AP 1.8.


Registration Elsewhere

Study Elsewhere

Students wishing to take a course at a different institution must get pre-approval from both the CVPA academic dean and the academic dean for the requested course (two signatures). There are specific circumstances when this can be approved.

Students are permitted to take up to a maximum of 9 credit hours elsewhere if they meet the following criteria at a minimum:

  • Fewer than 60 credit hours of transfer coursework,
  • A minimum 2.0 GPA at the time of the request.


  • If a course is offered at Mason Korea or George Mason Fairfax, whether online or face-to-face, permission will NOT be granted to take this course elsewhere except in the case of unusual circumstances. Students may submit a study elsewhere request to take general elective courses or courses that are not being offered at the campus in which they are studying.
  • Students in their first semester of coursework at George Mason are ineligible for Study Elsewhere.
  • Financial hardship alone is not a sufficient reason for approval of a study elsewhere request.
  • Once approved, courses elsewhere must be taken for a grade and be passed with a grade of C or higher in order to be transferred back to George Mason. Although credit for the course will be transferred, the grade for the course will not.

Students should also review the policies under AP.1.4.2 Permission to Study Elsewhere in the George Mason catalog.


Registration for Inactive Students


Students who have been away from the university, who either did not submit a leave of absence form or were ineligible to take a formal leave of absence, and who have been away for fewer than four semesters must re-enroll in order to register for courses. Please connect with your academic advisor first, and then utilize the online portal through the Registrar’s office to submit a re-enrollment request.

Return from Dismissal

Students returning from dismissal from the university must submit a request to return to George Mason through their Academic Advisor, but only after a minimum of three calendar years from the university. See item AP.5.2.6 in the University Catalog for more information.

Students Returning from Suspension

Students in academic standing of suspension have a registration hold placed on their record that prevents enrollment in future coursework. Upon return from the suspension period, the student must have an Academic Advisor Approval form and Student Success Plan reviewed by their advisor and signed. After the form and plan have been completed, they must be submitted to the CVPA Academic Affairs Office for final approval. Upon receipt by the CVPA Academic Affairs Office, students will be advised about an additional requirement of completion of a Learning Services workshop. Upon completion of that workshop, the hold will be removed.

Deadlines to request a return from suspension:

  • December 1 for the following spring semester
  • April 15 for the following fall semester (students missing this deadline may be approved on a case-by-case basis).



Change of Grade

All requests must originate from the professor of the course. For assistance, please see your Academic Advisor. 

Grade Appeal Process

  1. Students wishing to appeal a final grade in a CVPA course must start with a written request (email is fine) to the instructor of the course, citing reasons and/or any new information as to why the posted grade is being appealed. Instructors have at least one week to respond to such requests.
  2. If the instructor of the course does not find suitable justification for a revised final grade, the appeal process moves forward to the department of the course – contact information below. Students must contact the department and follow whatever procedure is required and outlined by each department.
    1. School of Art
    2. Computer Game Design
    3. School of Dance
    4. Film and Video Studies
    5. School of Music
    6. School of Theater
  3. If the department of the course does not find suitable justification for a revised final grade, the appeal process moves forward to the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs as the final step. Students must submit a formal, written narrative (email is fine), detailing the circumstances of the appeal, as well as any documentation such as attempt(s) at communication with instructor, course syllabus, student transcript showing the current grade, course papers, any other relevant documentation.

Decisions made by the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs are final.

Other Complaints and Grievances



Non-Academic Withdrawals

Students may request a withdrawal after the drop deadline for non-academic reasons. Requests are considered only under exceptional circumstances. Students will need to provide verifiable, third-party documentation with the request.

In order to request a withdrawal, you must submit the CVPA Undergraduate Student Request for Withdrawal form to your advisor. If approved by your Advisor, this form must be submitted to the CVPA Academic Affairs office for review.

Selective Withdrawals

Students enrolled in degree programs may process a maximum of three selective withdrawals during their entire undergraduate career at Mason. The three classes may have any number of credits. Refer to the university catalog for more information.

Mandatory Change from Arts Undeclared

Arts Undeclared is not a degree-granting major and is only intended to be a temporary track for certain incoming students to George Mason. The expectation is that a portfolio will be submitted or an audition completed within 1-2 semesters of George Mason enrollment. Failure to complete the audition/portfolio step, and/or failure to achieve a successful audition or portfolio result, will result in a mandatory change of program to Exploratory, to allow the student more time to determine what major path they would prefer to follow.

Termination from CVPA programs

All undergraduate students pursuing the BA, the BFA or the BM within the College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA) must demonstrate successful progress toward the completion of their degree or risk academic termination (i.e., a mandatory change of program) from their degree path.

Inability to make satisfactory progress is determined by each school or program faculty and/or leadership and/or by the College through published academic program benchmarks including, but not limited to:

  • 3 failed attempts of a required course in the degree program; or
  • Inability to maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA in courses required for the major after a maximum of three semesters: or
  • An academic standards violation in a course required for the major with a finding of responsible; or
  • A finding of responsible for a student conduct violation; or
  • A faculty committee ruling on a student’s inability to progress in the major.

Undergraduate students terminated from CVPA will have their degree path transitioned to Exploratory so that they can reassess what degree path makes the most sense for them. Students terminated from CVPA programs may not return to the same degree path within CVPA; however other programs within the College may permit a change of major, pending eligibility as determined by minimum GPA, and audition or portfolio review, as appropriate.

George Mason's Code of Student Conduct 
The College of Visual and Performing Arts strives to be an unwaveringly inclusive community and to foster a purposeful safe learning environment. To that end, all students are expected to abide by the expectations set forth in George Mason’s Code of Student Conduct.