Welcoming world-class orchestras to Merchant Hall each season reminds us of the many proven benefits classical music offers. In the spirit of promoting good health, we thought we’d share four fun facts about health, wellness, and the demonstrated benefits of classical music.
Reduced Blood Pressure
A study published by the journal Deutsches Äerzteblatt International revealed that individuals who listened to Mozart and Strauss experienced significantly lower blood pressure, as well as lower heart rates. Neurologist Michael Schneck theorizes that “the emphasis of listening to the harmonies and rhythms of classical music provide a calming affect for people, thus helping to lower their blood pressure.”
Stress Relief
Feeling blue or just overwhelmed? Listen to classical music, which has been shown to have the same physiological effects as a massage by creating a calming effect that also improves mood.
Healing Properties
The International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science found that intensive-care patients suffering from pain, as well as anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances, benefited from classical music. Specifically, patients who listened to Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos and Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata demonstrated decreased heart rates and improved oxygen saturation, leading to quicker post-stress recovery.
Brain Power Boost
Classical music sounds pleasing to the ear, which in turn improves cognition in the brain. When something sounds nice it increases dopamine (what neurologists call the ‘happiness chemical’) and neurocognition. With these two factors working in tandem, an aging brain stays active and healthy. Therefore, individuals who listen to classical music retain information better and are less likely to have memory loss as they age.
(Nelson, B. & Yanek. D., 2019, October. 10 Wondrous Things That Happen to Your Body When You Listen to Classical Music. The Healthy. Thehealthy.com)
But don’t just take our word for it. Explore opportunities to experience the uplifting effects of classical music at the Hylton Center through our Matinee Idylls and Hylton Presents series.